Senin, 27 September 2010

If the Korean made a list of "Things that America could learn from Korea", high on the list would be "Stop being so fat." Here is a totally discouraging New York Times article about how Americans are eating less fruits and vegetables.
This week, the company released the 25th edition of its annual report, “Eating Patterns in America.” The news there wasn’t good, either. For example, only 23 percent of meals include a vegetable, Mr. Balzer said. (Again, fries don’t count, but lettuce on a hamburger does.) The number of dinners prepared at home that included a salad was 17 percent; in 1994, it was 22 percent. At restaurants, salads ordered as a main course at either lunch or dinner dropped by half since 1989, to a mere 5 percent, he said.
Told to Eat Its Vegetables, America Orders Fries [New York Times]

23 percent?! How is that even possible, when lettuce on a hamburger is counted? Goodness gracious.

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