Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

Hilarious history of Asian men dating non-Asian women. Here is a sample:
Philip Jaisohn and Muriel Armstrong

Real or Fake: Real
Couple: Philip Jaisohn (a.k.a. Seo Jae-pil) and Muriel Armstrong
When: 1893
Complex says: Philip was a man of many firsts: the first Korean to become a naturalized U.S. citizen and receive an American medical degree, first person to publish a Korean newspaper using the Korean alphabet (as opposed to Chinese)...and, most importantly, first Korean man to marry a Caucasian. And not just any white bitty: Muriel was the socialite daughter of the U.S. Post Master General and a relative of President Buchanan. The inscription on the statue above reads: "Homie got Game with a capital 'G.'"
Yellow Fever! The Definitive History of Asian Men Dating Outside Their Race (

(Via KoreAm magazine)

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