One note: The writer of that gawdawful post initially claimed that the Korean's post cited surveys that did not exist. The Korean demanded that to be corrected, and now that portion reads even more ridiculous. The writer thinks that the survey, conducted by Korean Society of Food and Nutrition, is a malicious lie spread by the vast, dog-meat-eating conspiracy because one Korean guy thinks it's a lie. Classic.
-EDIT 3/6/2010- Oh, this is so great. The cowards at KARA put up this notice on the article:
Unlike KARA, non-genuine advocates of dog eating are all welcome on AAK! Yes, even those who think other people should not eat dog meat. The Korean will tell them to go fuck themselves, but they are still welcome to come and comment, either here or on the original post. Heck, the Korean even responded to one of the objections on the original post.NOTICEDue to abuses, commenting for Member Articles has been disabled. This is an information portal, not a forum for pro-meat rants or a blog where anything goes.Any accounts and comments made that are deemed to be not by GENUINE advocates of animal rights (i.e. those directed here from the Ask a Korean blog site) will be deleted. Direct any complaints to admin at animalrightskorea.orgPlease note that all items in the Member Articles section are written by KARA English site members and represent their uncensored opinions. If you have other opinions not supporting animal rights, you will need to express them elsewhere in the appropriate forum. Thank you for your understanding.
Got a question or a comment for the Korean? Email away at
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