Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

In today's "court-decision-that-makes-you-shake-your-head" news, the Constitutional Court of Korea (one of the two highest courts of Korea) ruled that the military may disallow draftees from reading certain banned books (that are freely available in bookstore and government-funded libraries.) In a separate lawsuit, the administrative court ruled that military could justifiably fire the JAG officers who challenged the constitutionality of the book ban. Because of their discharge, the JAG officers cannot practice law for the next 5 to 10 years.

서점서 파는 책, 군대선 맘대로 못보게 할수있다 [The Hankyoreh]
'헌소’ 법무관들 어떻게 되나 [The Hankyoreh]

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