Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Apropos of nothing...

The Korean attended a concert in which Robert Schumann's Scenes from Goethe's Faust was played. The songs were in German, and had an English translation in the programs.

One part of the music features four grey women, named Need, Guilt, Worry and Sorrow. The Korean was particularly struck by Worry's song -- in essence, it said Worry makes one paralyzed, such that one "starves, food in hand." Recently, the Korean had a lot of worry in his head, which made the song really resonate with him.

So he decided to come home and get the full lyrics, so that he can put it up somewhere and remind himself not to worry. After coming home, the Korean punched in the words he remembered in Google. (He lost the program on the way back.) And...

Nothing! The Korean could not find the English translation of Scenes from Goethe's Faust on the Internet. That was surprising. There was something not available on the Internet?

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