Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Today, TK Learned:

... that he is well past the age when he could comfortably eat an entire Chipotle burrito.
  • Libertarians have a startling tendency to apologize for autocracy. [Salon]
  • What does moral absolutism look like? Make sure to read the underlying article by Prof. Jeremy Waldron. [Opinio Juris]
  • Ivy League is Indian students' safety school. [New York Times]
  • The Korean always knew that Korea's minimum wage was low, but it's pretty stark when represented as a graph comparing against other countries. [Financial Times]
  • Although this author focuses more on looking for the outliers, the overall trend is clear:  excellent working memory and deliberate practice are usually required for greatness. [Scientific American]
  • Did the union make flight attendants less attractive? One thing to consider -- Korea's airlines are also highly unionized, but their flight attendants far, far surpasses those of American flight attendants in term of attractiveness. [USA Today]
Got a question or a comment for the Korean? Email away at

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