Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Ask a Korean! Wiki: What is the Maximum Age for SNSD?

Dear Korean,

What is the maximum age for a Caucasian male to be able to admit to a love of “Girls’ Generation” (소녀시대) without being rightfully considered a ridiculous pervert?


Dear Viktor,

In Korea, Girls' Generation is actually very much loved by middle-aged men as well, who usually claim that they are fond of Girls' Generation like they are fond of their cute nieces. (This does not necessarily mean that Koreans do not think this phenomenon is slightly creepy, however.)

But then again, you are going to be judged by American standards, not Korean. So readers, have your say at it. What is the maximum age for enjoying Girls' Generation? The Korean's opinion: 40 if unmarried. If married, no dice.

Got a question or comment for the Korean? Email away at askakorean@gmail.com.

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