Senin, 11 Januari 2010

The Korean watched that one movie this past weekend -- you know, the movie that everyone is talking about only because everyone is talking about it. (It involves blue aliens.)

Overall, a fine movie. Watching it on IMAX 3D helped. Here are the Korean's petty, nitpicky, spoiler-free impressions:

(1) People have called it Dancing with Wolves with aliens. The better analogy is Princess Mononoke with aliens.

(2) There was no reason why the colonel's mech infantry should have fallen when he died. (And please, that's not a spoiler.) The machine shutting down and slumping would have been more dignified. At least it didn't explode.

(3) In the words of the Korean Fiancee, your ride matters. Need respect? Roll up in a nice ride.

(4) James Cameron apparently dug deep into Stuff White People Like to make this movie: "religions their parents don't belong to", "Asian girls" (might as well be alien), "diversity", "awareness", "being an expert in YOUR culture", "natural medicine", "being the only white person around", "hating corporations", "having gay friends" (again, might as well be alien).

(5) Jake's stubborn determination to speak in English at many critical moments was rather annoying: "I am one of you, and I am here to save you! Now listen to me as I speak in a language you don't understand! I'm sorry your highest leader must translate for me like he works for me or something but hey, have you seen my sweet ride?"

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