Rabu, 02 Mei 2007

My Sassy Girl?

Dear Korean,

How do Korean guys reconcile the wife-beater rep with images like that of the guy in "My Sassy Girl"? My cousin loves the movie and runs around saying "wanna die?" in Korean.

Baffled Chinese

Dear Baffled Chinese,

Easy. My Sassy Girl is a comedy. It's funny because it's so obviously untrue.

As an aside, the Korean never understood the appeal of My Sassy Girl. Someone please explain why that movie is any good. It appears that there is an American remake of that movie in the works -- if this is going to be another Infernal Affairs/The Departed debacle, the Korean will pop a vein in his head.

Got a question or comment for the Korean? Email away at askakorean@hotmail.com

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