Rabu, 25 April 2007

Koreans Also Have Exceptionally Strong Neck

Dear Korean,

It is a running joke among many of my friends that Koreans have abnormally large heads, which is the best way for us white folk to distinguish them from other Asians. One drunken night we decided to do an experiement and measured everyone in the room's heads--and found that the two Koreans did in fact have larger heads that the rest of us (an extra inch in diameter, as I recall). I also read once that North Koreans who've escaped to the South are often ridiculed for their oversized noggins, which look more disproportionate because they've suffered from malnutrition. But this doesn't explain why Korean's have such big heads in the first place. Why do Korean's have such large heads?

Pinheaded Whitey

Congratulations, Pinheaded Whitey. You're the first one who ever sent a Korean-related question that completely stumped the Korean. The Korean has no freakin' idea how to answer your question. According to the Korean's own experience, it seemed like southern Chinese people (the Cantonese-speaking folks) had the largest head among all Asians. The largest head size the Korean has ever seen belongs to a white man, a proud 8.25 inches of hat size.

The Korean could counter your question by talking about large head and big brain and such, but that's just weak. Besides, if that were true, whales would be running the world anyway.

Got a question or a comment for the Korean? Email away at askakorean@hotmail.com.

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